Alameda County Food Bank

Before I had the privilege to work in semiconductors and enterprise network computing, I held a couple of hourly jobs in back end distribution centers and warehouses in the Detroit...

Platform Engineering with AWS EKS

There were some great Amazon EKS and Kubernetes sessions at AWS re:Invent this year. If you’re a Kubernetes practitioner, check out the session on Platform engineering with Amazon...

Jira backlog sorting by due date

Good Jira hygiene and automation are crucial for an engineering Scrum team. A disorganized board and backlog will make it unnecessarily difficult to focus on shipping new increments of...

Automated shared Google calendar for teams

If you’re in a team where everyone uses Google Workspace calendars, it’s incredibly simple to set up some automation to string-match events from individual...

Microservices and multicloud strategy at Snap

I really enjoyed this article on migrating from a single region application monolith at Snap to a modern microservice architecture: How Snap...