How to understand Meltdown and Spectre

For those interested in the recent Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities, this article provides a very nice high level overview. High level description...

Big data and anomaly detection

This week I spent a really productive evening in Milpitas (near the In-N-Out Burger) to learn more about big data analytics and anomaly detection. My personal interest in the...

Jekyll and S3 permalink problems? Here's how to fix it

I recently debugged an issue with permalinks generated by Jekyll and deployed on Amazon S3 with s3_website. The problem I encountered was that all of the permalinks...

3 excellent security topics presented at Pedro's

The recent Security Meetup in San Francisco with speakers from GitHub, Synopsys, and Docker was very good. There were three main presentations: Secure Collaboration with GitHub by GitHub...

OpenSSH 7.6 released

OpenSSH 7.6 has been released and will be available soon. It is primarily a bug fix release and they’ve made some updates like removing SSH protocol version 1...